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Posted by ANGELA YEE on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Under: SCRIPS



I was reading page six in the NY Post today (and by the way, I hate reading this pro McCain paper, their news is ridiculously biased so this may be my last time picking it up) and there was a mention about the new Coen brothers movie "Burn After Reading."  Apparently, George Clooney is a sex addict and he brings along 2 toys with him called the "Liberator Ramp" and the "Silky."  The sales for these items are on the rise because of this movie, and I never heard of either one of them.

Being the research fanatic that I am, I went online and looked them up.  The Silky is simple enough, it's basically a flexible dildo and I saw a very detailed how-to video.  Don't worry, I have it for you right here and I'm sold !


The other item, the Liberator Ramp, seems like a great idea but how do you casually have something like that in your home? It's a huge pillow, in the shape of a wedge, that helps you angle your body.  Here's the description from the site:


Liberator Ramp offers support with a deep slope elevation. It strategically lifts your lover's hips to an altitude of 12 inches, offering access at critical angles that accentuate sensitivity. It's time to teach your old doggie-style some new tricks. The key to perfect rear-entry penetration is supported elevation. Supported elevation prevents falling forward, slipping, sore elbows and wrists and hips buried in the mattress. With Ramp a couple can sustain the doggie-style position for longer, more satisfying sessions. Other Ramp specialties include positions off the side of the bed and an unbeatable girl-on-top ride.

How can you own something like this and suggest using it with someone?  Wouldn't you be wondering who was laid up on that Liberator Ramp before you?  It's even funny when a guy pulls a condom out of a half-used box or a girl pulls out a partial container of k-y jelly. Or am I just uptight? . ..d(>_o)b

5:05 PM  Comment (4)


Tags: angela yee  105.1fm  blackmoney848  urban ap/clothing 
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