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      Family Sold Heroin From Secaucus Private Home, Police Say

      Posted by Carly Baldwin on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Under: #EssexCounty

      ECAUCUS, NJ — This past Saturday, April 9, Secaucus Police, members of the Hudson County Sheriff's Department, plus police dogs, conducted a search of a private home on Lincoln Avenue

      Inside the home, police said they found more than 80 folds of suspected heroin, plus other items indicative of illegal drug sales and money believed to be from those heroin sales.

      The search warrant and raid came a month-long surveillance and investigation into the home: In March, the Secaucus Police Department’s Anti-Crime Unit received information that heroin was being sold from the home, which is located on the 200 block of Lincoln Avenue, just off County Avenue.

      “The Secaucus Police Department is committed to investigating all complaints of vice crimes to better the quality of life for the residents of Secaucus,” Police Chief Dennis Miller said. “I want to thank the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office K-9 for assisting in the execution of this search.”

      Before the home was raided by Secaucus police officer, the county sheriff and police K9s, residents Jose Torres-Amaro, 52, and Samantha Enders, 26, both of Secaucus, were charged with possession of heroin with the intent to distribute.

      Additionally, Kim Enders, 53, of Secaucus was arrested for possessing a small quantity of heroin along with drug paraphernalia. David Enders, 52, of Secaucus was arrested after he was found in possession of five (5) fraudulent identifications.

      Here are all the charges:

      Torres-Amaro and Samantha Enders: Possession with the Intent to Distribute Heroin [2C:35-5b(3)], Possession with the Intent to Distribute a Controlled Dangerous Substance within 500 feet of Public Property [2C:35-7.1], Conspiracy to Possess with the Intent to Distribute Heroin [2C:5-2/2C:35-5b(3)], Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance [2C:35-10a(1)], and Possession with the Intent to Distribute Drug Paraphernalia [2C:36-3].

      Torres-Amaro was also charged with Money Laundering [2C:21-25a]. They were both lodged in the Hudson County jail.

      Kim Enders was charged with Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance [2C:35-10a(1)] and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia [2C:36-2]. She was found to have an outstanding warrant from Montville Township with a bail in the amount of $200, which she posted and was released pending her first court appearance.

      David Enders was charged with five (5) counts of Possession of False Government Documents [2C:21-2.1(d)]

      Do you think something illegal is happening in a home on your block? Tips can be made by calling (201) 330-2049, emailed to spdtips@secaucus.net or submitted anonymously through the department’s website at www.secaucuspolice.org.

      In : #EssexCounty 

      Tags: family sold heroin from secaucus private home  police say 
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