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FG on moving to Compton-Lynwood | Football & Gangs/Piru | Mob James set up | 10 yrs in prison

Posted by StreetTV on Sunday, August 4, 2024 Under: SCRIPS
In 2004 Frank "FG" Thornton was arrested by the FBI and taken to the Federal Building in the Westwood section of Los Angeles for a crime hew was unaware of. He would later find out that he was being charged with selling four ounces of cocaine to Mob James and undercover F.B.I. agent Wade Lee in 2000, four years before.

Others taken into custody at the time included Droshaun "Drew" Owens, Irby, Lip Dog, and Dollar Bill from Bounty Hunter. Lip Dog was the first one to realize that Mob James had set him up after reviewing his discovery, and after FG and Drew went to court and read their indictment, they realized that Mob James was the one that set them up too. This interview was done in December 2021.


Tags: fg  moving to compton  lynwood   football   gangs  piru   mob james  set up  10 yrs in prison  compton  rosecrans  central  118 st  athens park  mob piru  #streettv #streettvfilms #streetgangs #alexalonso #alexalonsointerviews 
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