SinceTheresNothingElse2Do I decided to write a love letter, the only problem is where do I send it? But maybe just maybe You will read it here :)
Every day I think of You while every night I dream of You, tossing and
turning in my bed, heart racing, sweat pouring thoughts of You get to
me everytime. People will never understand why I love You but it isnt a
"thing" for people to understand. This "thing" called "love" isnt
always real but with You its all I can feel. Never really knowing if
You feel the same way eats me up inside, perhaps one day I will know
and You will show me but until that day I can only wait and for You I
will. The anticipation of seeing you again floods my nerves, shakey
hands and timid replays to the messages we exchange. I never want to
say the wrong thing always wanting You to want me . We argue over the
dumbest things but I tell myself that its because You indeed love me
enough to even care. Its been months, weeks almost a year but Im still
here waiting because I love You and always will forever more. These 3
days will be the longest in my life.
Loving You through and through,